NORM Access System its software which increases effectiveness of mobile device management in industries. It’s allow to definition access to applications, processes and web pages, to avoid unauthorized use. One of many advantages of application is that it's not necessary to root device what means there is no possibility of voiding manufacturer’s warranty. Additional this version make possible to remote management for connected workers devices form all places where is possibility to connect with Internet. Only need to sign in admin's control panel, make changes and save, and when appropriate device connect with network(WiFi/3G/4G) the configuration will be updated. Also there is possible to change settings directly on device, only need to do is enter to settings, write correct PIN number and start configuration.
Intuitive and easy interface shouldn't make anyone problems with using for administrator and workers who everyday using mobile device in work. Application fully cooperates with Android 4.1 - 4.4 system.
It's not necessary to root (warranty of producer it's not canceled),
PIN number which protect access to device,
Easy definition access for web pages and applications,
Build-in browser make possible to opening web pages which are added to white list,
Possibility to configure many devices at the same time (by using administrator's Internet control panel),
Access to administrator's panel might have unlimited number of admins (all of them have the same permissions).

Display: any,
Operating system: Android™ 4.1 -4.4,
Communication with Internet: WiFi/3G/4G,
Devices cooperation with Google Play Service,
Devices registered by Google account with accepted current license for account.
* Ascription device to communication server will take place during first start of NORM Access System application.

Computer or mobile device connected with Internet,
Internet browser.
To use remote configuring of devices its necessary to create communication server. Customer can have it in his abode or use our servers(what is connected with monthly payments). During implementation of application for client can count for help with choosing, purchasing and configuring of machine.
Operating system Linux Ubuntu/CentOS/Fedora,
Configurated repository and GIT account(optional),
Apache lub Nginx,
PHP w wersji 5.6 lub wy¿szej,
Extension PHP - OpenSSL,
Extension PHP - PDO,
Extention PHP - Mbstring,
Extension PHP - Tokenizer,
Server MySQL 5.5,
Packages manager - Composer (PHP),
Packages manager - NPM (Node.js),
Packages manager - Bower.
*Communication server's software will be instaled separately for each company.
Administrator's control panel allows to changing settings like:
Administrator's password,
List of allowed web pages in build-in browser,
Turning on / off browser's top bar,
Turning on / off settings of WiFi network and Bluetooth settings,
List of allowed aplications and processes.
Additional this version make possible to change first four options for many devices in one operation(by using administartor's panel in Internet browser).
* During configuration of many devices at the same time there is no possibility to edit available applications.

(Administrator's control panel, view from Internet browser)

(Administrator's control panel, view from installed application after entered PIN number)
User's panel allows to launching and opening applications and web pages which were added to white list by administrator.

(User's panel)
NORM Access System application mainly find using in companies where mobile devices(with Android 4.1-4.4 operating system) are using largely to work. Additional this version of software make possible to remote configuring devices, only need to wait when appropriate device will be connected with Internet and all configurations entered by administrator's control panel(by Internet browser) will be updated.
NORM Access System it's mainly dedicated for transport companies and business where workers doing their work faraway from companies abode, and firms which have a lot of mobile devices.

*Communication protocol has been prepared on the basis of Google Cloud Messaging mechanism, to allow insertion additional commands.
*Double-sided data exchange between server and device will be using communication protocol(API) based on JSON format.