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    • Shandong Senter Electronic Co., Ltd., located in state-level New & Hi-Tech development zone of Zibo city, is a high technology enterprise applying itself to provide communication test instruments and comprehensive network monitoring solutions.
  • Polywell
    • Polywell is a manufacturer of industrial devices such as MiniPC and Server. They also produce products for digital signage, kiosks, retail outlets, set-top boxes, home entertainment computers, digital surveillance, IP-PBX, network devices, medical equipment, content creation and CAD/CAM graphics systems. They also manufacture computers embedded in OPS and SDM cases. As a manufacturer, it provides the best quality devices that are adapted to work in the most difficult conditions.
    • Chainway is a manufacturer of data collectors. The devices have modules that allow them to be used in various industries. This manufacturer's PDAs can easily compete with key global companies dealing with this type of device. Data collectors are on the Google Android Enterprise list.
    • Emdoor is a producer of industrial tablets and laptops. These devices are dedicated to people who need equipment equipped with additional modules such as a code reader and RFID.
    • We are a worldwide leading manufacturer specialized in designing and producing touch screen monitor, open frame monitor, industrial monitor, industrial touch panel pc, IP65 Touch Monitor& Touch PC, digital signage etc .Our products size ranges from 7 inch to 42 inch and are widely used in the fields of security monitoring, traffic control center, broadcasting system, military, city square, shopping mall, bank, school and hospital etc. Our products can be applied in devices like ATM, Self-service kiosk, Transportation, Automatic Vending Machine, Gaming Machine, POS, Medical Treatment, CNC Machine etc.
    • HAXUN Technology is a manufacturer of industrial equipment such as MiniPC and PanelPC. As a manufacturer supplies the best quality devices that are designed to work in the toughest conditions.
    • Mark MobiPad is a new range of equipment represented by New Portable Devices. Through many years of experience Mobilator offers reliable equipment at competitive prices. Tablets with high performance receive high reviews among users, and efficient MiniPC, smartphones and netbooks gradually conquering all rankings in global markets. MobiPad brand features the latest technology with an eye for style and comfort.
    • Handheld Group is a company famous primarily for devices with a special, reinforced structure, which are not scared by the toughest conditions.


    • MicroWorld offers a comprehensive security software for desktops, notebooks, laptops (Escan Antivirus Escan ISS). It detects spyware, adware and also has features not available in other vendors, such as full content filtering Outgoing and incoming. The fruit of many years of collaboration with MicroWorld and New Portable Devices are lowest prices in the market.

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The chef recommends
    • Chainway C72-CE Industrial Data Collector is a professional, modern equipment. With the option of optionally equipping the collector with a 1D or 2D code scanner and NFC and RFID LF modules, it is widely used in the industrial sector. In addition, the collector has a reinforced construction, waterproof and dust-proof, which greatly enhances the comfort of the device under severe conditions. All these features combined with the attractive price make the A80NS an ideal choice for anyone looking for an efficient device with a very good value for money ratio.
    • MobiScan QS-02S is the latest mobile mini barcode and QR scanner in the offer of the store. With several types of barcode reader it is a great alternative to standard devices used on the market. The small dimensions, ease of use and simple use make working with it faster and, above all, does not limit the user's movements.
  • collector danych MobiPad H-H4
    • MobiPad H-H4 Industrial Data Collector is a professional, modern equipment. With the option of optionally equipping the collector with a 1D or 2D code scanner and NFC module, it is widely used in the industrial sector. In addition, the collector has a reinforced construction, waterproof and dust-proof, which greatly enhances the comfort of the device under severe conditions. All these features combined with the attractive price make the A80NS an ideal choice for anyone looking for an efficient device with a very good value for money ratio.
    • Tablet Senter S917V9 has a specially designed, reinforced structure, adapted to harsh environmental conditions. As equipment produced for the military, meets the requirements of IP68. With this structure is resistant to dust and water. The device works great when in the home and industry.
    • Data collector MobiPad SL50 have special designed, rugged contruction, prepared to work in hard conditions. Thanks IP65 rate its dustproof and waterproof. Small sizes and solidly housing makes that work will be more comfortable for women and people with smaller hands.
    • Industrial PCs are excelent in environments dominated by dust, dirt and moisture. They are ideal for applications that require quiet operation. Small and reliable MiniPC use of heat-pipe technology and aluminum fans for passive cooling.
    • NEW !!! Wide range of professional industrial panel PCs with the operating system Windows adapted to the harsh conditions. Industrial Panel PCs Panel PC type are composed of high quality components, they are characterized by wide equipment, configurable and high degrees of protection against external factors.
    • BAREBONE computers is MiniPC Series, which are not equipped with RAM and do not have a hard drive. Thanks to this configuration for these two components is virtually free. The only limitation is the hardware that can handle the selected volume and types of individual eams.

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Informacja dla konsumenta o prawie odst±pienia od umowy zawartej na odleg³o¶æ 

Bêd±c konsumentem maj± Pañstwo prawo odst±piæ od umowy zawartej w Sklepie Internetowym w terminie 14 dni bez podania jakiejkolwiek przyczyny. Termin do odst±pienia od umowy wygasa po up³ywie 14 dni od dnia w którym weszli Pañstwo w posiadanie rzeczy lub w którym osoba trzecia inna ni¿ przewo¼nik i wskazana przez Pañstwa wesz³a w posiadanie rzeczy. Aby skorzystaæ z prawa odst±pienia od umowy, musz± Pañstwo poinformowaæ nas o swojej decyzji o odst±pieniu od niniejszej umowy w drodze jednoznacznego o¶wiadczenia (na przyk³ad pismo wys³ane poczt± tradycyjn± lub poczt± elektroniczn±). O¶wiadczenie mog± Pañstwo przes³aæ na przyk³ad:     

  1. pisemnie na adres: NEW PORTABLE DEVICES ul. Drogowców 14, 39-200 Dêbica;    
  2. w formie elektronicznej za po¶rednictwem poczty elektronicznej na adres:;    

Przyk³adowy wzór formularza odst±pienia od umowy zawarty jest w za³±czniku nr 2 do Ustawy o Prawach Konsumenta oraz dodatkowo dostêpny jest pod poni¿szym tekstem. Mog± Pañstwo skorzystaæ z wzoru formularza odst±pienia od umowy, jednak nie jest to obowi±zkowe. 

Aby zachowaæ termin do odst±pienia od umowy, wystarczy, aby wys³ali Pañstwo informacjê dotycz±c± wykonania przys³uguj±cego Pañstwu prawa odst±pienia od umowy przed up³ywem terminu do odst±pienia od umowy. 

W przypadku odst±pienia od niniejszej umowy zwracamy Pañstwu wszystkie otrzymane od Pañstwa p³atno¶ci, w tym koszty dostarczenia rzeczy (z wyj±tkiem dodatkowych kosztów wynikaj±cych z wybranego przez Pañstwa sposobu dostarczenia innego ni¿ najtañszy zwyk³y sposób dostarczenia oferowany przez nas), niezw³ocznie, a w ka¿dym przypadku nie pó¼niej ni¿ 14 dni od dnia, w którym zostali¶my poinformowani o Pañstwa decyzji o wykonaniu prawa odst±pienia od niniejszej umowy. Zwrotu p³atno¶ci dokonamy przy u¿yciu takich samych sposobów p³atno¶ci, jakie zosta³y przez Pañstwa u¿yte w pierwotnej transakcji, chyba ¿e wyra¼nie zgodzili¶cie siê Pañstwo na inne rozwi±zanie; w ka¿dym przypadku nie ponios± Pañstwo ¿adnych op³at w zwi±zku z tym zwrotem. Mo¿emy wstrzymaæ siê ze zwrotem p³atno¶ci do czasu otrzymania rzeczy lub do czasu dostarczenia nam dowodu jej odes³ania, w zale¿no¶ci od tego, które zdarzenie nast±pi wcze¶niej. 

Je¿eli otrzymali Pañstwo rzecz, to proszê odes³aæ lub przekazaæ j± nam na adres: NEW PORTABLE DEVICES ul. Drogowców 14, 39-200 Dêbica, niezw³ocznie, a w ka¿dym razie nie pó¼niej ni¿ 14 dni od dnia, w którym poinformowali nas Pañstwo o odst±pieniu od niniejszej umowy. Termin jest zachowany, je¿eli ode¶l± Pañstwo rzecz przed up³ywem terminu 14 dni. Bêd± Pañstwo musieli ponie¶æ bezpo¶rednie koszty zwrotu rzeczy. Odpowiadaj± Pañstwo tylko za zmniejszenie warto¶ci rzeczy wynikaj±ce z korzystania z niej w sposób inny ni¿ by³o to konieczne do stwierdzenia charakteru, cech i funkcjonowania rzeczy.


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