RAM Memory
RAM Memory is very important and one of the basic computer components. This is the place where the computer temporarily stores the individual data. The more memory you install on your computer, the more programs will be able to run at the same time, which will run more efficiently. RAM is important for the performance of your computer. Of course, in the context of memory has not only its size, but also the operating parameters.
What are the types of memory?
There are several types of memory, but now they are the most important:
What kind of memory you can install on your computer, it will depend on the motherboard. Since it also depends on the amount of memory that is how many GB can handle up to and how capacious may be a single unit.
The main differences between DDR3 and DDR4:
The most important thing that is decisive for the choice of a given standard is not the parameters of individual versions of RAM, but rather the purchase of a motherboard - more precisely the processor. If it is a unit belonging to the Haswell-E family (as for now) and the X99 chipset, the user is condemned to DDR4 memory. Otherwise, he has to buy DDR3 dice. Installation of a specific version of RAM is forced by their different construction, and there is no possibility of inserting them into the same slot.
The theoretical differences between DDR4 and DDR3 memory are included in the table below:

DDR4 bone structure is different from its predecessor. The module is a millimeter higher, and thanks to the same width, the pins are more densely spaced. The position of the indentation has also changed, avoiding mistakes when inserting the bone into the wrong slot. It is also worth remembering that the DDR4 module is not backwards compatible.